Kenil Worth

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Mon Dec 30, 2024 · 487 words · 3 min
Tags :  snapshots

It was a police guest house. It was also the first time I used a razor to get beard off of my face.

In the March of 2023, I for the first time visited Darjeeling. It wasn't my type of place honestly. Bit more crowded than what I'd have preferred as a retreat. Not to mention. I usually am at odds with winter.

But something was different that time. It was the newly blossoming thing in my chest. The waterfalls seemed to have a bit more shine. The air was fragrant and there was a newfound joy in buying Bisleri bottles. Even the crowded places, which I usually don't go well along with, seemed reasonable to me. After all, why should a couple not visit this place? I was wanting to have her along too here.

On my first evening there, I was out in the local market. I didn't like the street food there. Although, I did spot a Mio Amore and stuffed myself with sugars.

The next day, I woke up and looking in the mirror I realised I had crossed that threshold where my beard would be acceptable to look at. I had my trimmer, but not the charger. Hearing the sound of trimmer motor, I could conclude very well that it won't last a full trim.

I got a disposable razor from a nearby store and did the deed. Running a razor on my face for the first time. Seeing mildly dense beard come off of my face all of a sudden, like a dirty carpet being taken off after an event; it felt like a shedding of what I once was.

I think I found myself cute. Because after I dressed up and looked in the mirror, I instinctively took out the phone, clicked a selfie and sent it to her.

She mentions a lot about Buddhism. She studies about it. I never studied about Buddhism, but I've always found peace at Buddhist temples.

I just happened to visit a Buddhist temple later that day.

We went back to Kenil Worth; our last evening there. At the break of dawn next day, we set out for a new destination.

I recently got the news that Kenil Worth guest house has permanently shut down. I'm much over a thousand miles away from Kenil Worth at the moment; can't verify if the news is true. Regardless, it's likely that things won't be the same when I return to that place.

As with most things, I wouldn't say Kenil Worth was extraordinary. But the feeling I had in my heart was special. She and I used to make list of places we'll visit. Kenil Worth happened to be the first tourist place I visited after we had started making the list and I had added it to the list.

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